Google Introduces Alerts For Phishing & Data Exfiltration Activities In G Suite


Tech giant Google has announced new, secure features for its cloud-powered productivity platform G Suite. These features will alert admins on activities such as phishing and data exfiltration. In the official blog, Google said that the alert center in G Suite now comes with improvements in security-related notifications and alerts.

The company said that it uses machine learning algorithms to generate phishing alerts in Gmail. Furthermore, the alerts also enable admins to weed out threats as a result. Google informed that “In these events, admins in G Suite Enterprise domains can proactively investigate the emails and if necessary, bulk removes suspicious emails from users’ inbox”. The company said in its blog post that Gmail will now provide more alerts for phishing activities.

The Alert center now packs data export alert feature which will notify admins when a domain data export is initiated. This helps to check a specific domain affected with export activity. After the activities are resolved, alerts can also be deleted as required.

To look deeper into the activity, audit logs in Alert center give out information related to the activity. The Enterprise edition of G Suite also provides tools to investigate export activities.


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